Health & Nutrition
Rules & Requirements
Your child must have a doctor’s physical that has been done within the past year and includes lead screening (if their child is at least 9 months old). This needs to be updated yearly and a copy provided for your child’s file. Upon admission, a physician’s certificate that each child has been successfully immunized is required in accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Recommended schedules against pertussis (whooping cough), diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles, and other such communicable diseases must be current. Children, whose parents object to such immunizations, must submit in writing, on the ground that immunizations conflict with their religious beliefs or if the child’s physician submits documentation that such a procedure is contraindicated.
Please keep your child home if any of the following conditions exist:
Free from Fever for 24 hours Diarrhea or Vomiting
Infectious rash
Signs of a fresh cold (runny nose, watery eyes, etc.)
Untreated infection (ear infection, strep throat, conjunctivitis, etc.)
Contagious conditions (lice, chicken pox, croup, etc.)
Child does not feel well enough to participate in daycare activities
If your child has an infection that requires antibiotics he/she may return to the center after being on the antibiotic for at least 24 hours and being fever-free for at least 24 hours. However, your child must be able to participate in all activities, including going outside. Staffing ratios do not allow us to have a teacher leave a class to stay alone with one child due to illness or cold weather. 9 You must let the center know of any infectious disease your child has so that we may inform other parents. If you have any questions about the policy for the disease your child has, please call the center and ask before bringing your child in. If your child is ill during the day you will be called to pick your child up or arrange for someone else to do so until you are available. Failure to do so is cause for termination. Your child may not attend Angela’s Preschool and Daycare the next day and must remain illness-free and fever-free for at least 24 hours before returning. Please remember that we need to protect the other children at the center and the teachers who need to be here to care for them.
We understand that it is difficult for you to miss work, but other parents will be in the same situation if their children catch the disease. Medication should be given at home whenever possible. If your child requires medication while in care, you will need to fill out a medication form here. The medication must be in the original prescription container. Non-prescription medication must have a doctor’s note listing your child’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage to administer, the time it is to be given, and how it is to be given (i.e. by mouth, topically), and the duration. If you would like to come in and give your child medication you may do so but if we are to administer the medication all above rules must be followed. We will make every attempt to administer medication away from the rest of the children (office or kitchen). Topical medications such as hand lotion, diaper rash ointment, insect repellent (only insect repellent containing DEET shall be allowed), sunscreen, etc. will not be applied to a child without written parental consent. Parents will provide these items from home. No child under the age of two months will have insect repellent applied to him/her. In order to better protect your child from the sun we require all children to have sunscreen or sunblock with a SPF of 15 or higher. Additional Health policies are located in each classroom.